
Friday, 12 January 2018

SLJ W4 D5 BA Blade Runner 2049

I think that nz will be like this.

The cars will be hover car and you tell the gps were to go and it will take you there, we will not drive, the car will.

The houses will be electronic, you will be able to control your house with you phone or tablet. you will be able to close the curtains and turn on the lights with you devices, just push a button and its done.

On the farm the tractors will be Remote controlled from an office, and there will be robots  milking the cow not us. The motor bikes might be hover bikes but I wouldn't like that because I love driving through mud and getting suck, it is so much fun. But mum doesn't like having to wash my muddy clothes when I get home.
Image result for automated tractors
Some farmers already have an automated Tractor, they look like this picture, see they have no cab for a driver, because there is no driver.


  1. Hi Caleb!

    Wow, this is the final activity of the program! You have been going for gold over these last couple weeks working really hard, you should be very proud of yourself! I think after this activity you must only have a couple to catch up on ...that's amazing! :)

    I really enjoyed reading your predictions for the future New Zealand. It sounds like it might mean lots of changes for farmers, how do you feel about that?
    I like that you have a picture of what is already changing for farmers, the tractor looks very futuristic!
    I think I would miss driving around, getting muddy and hanging out with the cows if I was a farmer of the future.

    Almost finished the Summer Learning Journey Caleb, keep up the awesome work! :)


    1. Hi Ellee
      Thank you for reading my blogs and giving me great comments, I loved getting feed back on my work.
      I hope you enjoy the rest of your holidays.
      and Thank you to all the SLJ teachers :-)
      From Caleb I

    2. Hey Caleb!

      Its been a lot of fun reading your posts, learning more about farming/gardening and life in Hokitika! (I know Emiely has really enjoyed it too!)

      I hope you also enjoy the rest of your break until school - I know you will have an awesome time at your new primary, you are a great dude you'll make some amazing friends!

      Thanks heaps,
      Ellee :)

  2. Whoops....Didn't see your video down the bottom until I had posted the comment - It was very cool to watch, the technology is amazing! Thanks Caleb! Would you have these on your farm?

    Ellee :)


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