
Monday, 8 January 2018

SLJ W4 D1 A2 Lord of the Rings

If Peter Jackson gave me the 300 million dollars I would buy a Dairy Farm with 700 cows and brand new John Deer tractors and motor bikes, and all the attachments I need, like a mower, rake, baler, and cultivaters and a seeder and any thing I want.
Image result for Nz dairy farmImage result for john deere tractor


  1. Hi Caleb!

    This would be a great way to spend 300 million dollars. I am sure all of these things are very expensive - would you have any left over money to do anything else?
    I am sure this will safe you a lot of time and effort on your farm if you have all of the machines and tools available for you! (Grandy might be a little bit might have to bring around your tools to help him out with his baleage still!)
    Wow! Motorbikes too! do you know how to ride motorbikes? I have always wanted to learn, I think the closest I've been to riding a motorbike is riding my scooter around.... but it only goes 50km p/h, much slower than a motorbike!

    Really thoughtful way to spend your money Caleb, I am sure that Peter Jackson would be glad he gave it to you!
    Ellee :)

    1. Hi Ellee
      Yes I think there would be money left over, maybe I could go to Australia and see all the things I want to see.
      Yes I can ride motor bikes, I have my own quad bike and a pocket bike and a dirtbike.

    2. Hi Caleb!

      Yeah, that is a great idea! I think I would like to spend some of the 300 million on travelling if I could.
      Oh! that's really cool! I had to google what a pocket bike was...I didn't know they made motorobikes that small!haha
      Have you ever entered in any competitions? or do you ride them around the farm with your brothers?

      Ellee :)


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